Saturday, November 1, 2008

Alan and Ryann Heart Halloween

Our new friend, Alan, came over for some Halloween fun last night. No Halloween in China, so we tried to the best of our ability to explain Trick or Treating. Pretty weird concept, it you think about it. Nevertheless, we had such a good time. Ryann loved Trick or Treating and so did Alan. Everytime the door bell rang, Ryann would get sooo excited and grab Alan's hand and they would go to the front door together to pass out candy. Alan would then take pictures of the trick or treaters. SO Cute.
Go AGGIES! For her second Halloween, We dressed up Ryann as an Aggie Cheerleader. Maybe she will bring the team some luck?!?
A Jack o Lantern Pizza

My mom and brother, red-raider Read joined in the festivities.

After Mark explained to Alan that adults really don't dress up for Halloween or go trick or treating, Mark's parents did a surprise drop-in in costume. Poor Alan was probably really confused. Love the costumes! Alan is Ryann's new best friend

Alan passing out candy to Flash Gordon


Annie and Jeremy said...

Awwwwww, you all are too cute!!! What a fun night! I'm so glad Alan and Ryann are such good friends now! :) Tell Mark's parents that I think they looked great! :)

stacymac said...

ryann looks so adorable! if anyone can bring the aggies good luck, it's her!

John and Sarah said...

OH MY GOSH! SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!! and alan looks like he is so nice! My parents look ridiculous!

Chris and Jill said...

Ryann is adorable as an Aggie Cheerleader! Love her little megaphone too! Snaps to Mark's folks for getting into the spirit! :-)