Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Big FiSh Part 2

In a previous post, I highlighted a 20lb carp my dad caught on his fly rod, where a neighbor seriously asked my dad if he could "pop" the fish for him with his gun, that he had in his pocket. It was a pretty big fish considering....but not compared to this sucker.....
My dad and his buddies caught a 301lb. Halibut in Alaska last week. If you notice the poor thing's head, it had to be "popped" too. I love my dad's face in this picture....good times,indeed.


Chris and Jill said...

Oh my goodness, that is a HUGE fish! Hope your Dad had fun... by the big grin, I am guessing so! :-)

Matt and Angie Wood said...

that's insane!!!

John and Sarah said...

That is CRAZY! I seriously cant believe it!

Annie and Jeremy said...

WHOOOAH!!!! I never knew halibut could be so big! When they're on my plate, it's sooooo much smaller!!!!!