1.SERVING TOGETHER: In Dallas, Mark and I went in our separate directions as far as weekly ministry was concerned. I was involved at the pregnancy center and Mark was involved with outreach ministries at our church. While it was nice to each serve in ministries we were very passionate about, I often hoped we would someday serve together. Well, we now have our chance.Here are some pictures of us packing Healing kits for Haiti with World Concern...
2. NEW EXPERIENCES: I think Seattle is funky because it has so many activities that are totally regional.A couple of weekends ago, we went to Ballard Locks to watch the Salmon run...very cool.
3.LIESEL!: My dear friend, Liesel,her husband, Jeremy, and her sweet toddler, Moses, live in Vancouver, BC, which is not that far away. Last week, we met at a mid-point Sonic (which was exciting in itself because Seattle has no Sonic..nor Chick fil a for that matter...such a tragegdy)We have not lived this close since high school. What an incredible God-send Liesel is. It is so comforting to have a friend that really loves and knows you just about two hours away
4. The BEACH!: We live about 5 miles from the beach. Granted, it is probably too cold to swim, but we have enjoyed it just the same. So beautiful!
awe, just teared up reading your blog. I just didn't get enough of you before you left and now you are far away! Though, can I just say that I am SOOO excited for ya'll!!!!??? Can't wait to hear more stories of your adventures there. :)
Loved your updates, Sweet Friend! I love you and I am so proud of you!
Loved the update!
Love Ryann's little side-part-ribbon-do (A-DORABLE).
Love that you live so close to the beach.
Love that you get to do ministry with Mark. (I hope that someday Devin and I can find a ministry to serve together in. We've always been in our separate areas too).
Yall are amazing examples to us! We miss you so much, but CANNOT wait to visit!!!!
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