I cannot believe you are now four years old. It was quite a big year for you. This past year, you lived in 3 different states, which ultimately resulted in a cross-country move to the rainy, yet beautiful city of Seattle. You took this move in stride and have taught me and your dad a thing or two about accepting change. You, in many ways, have been my teacher this past year and I love you all the more for it.
I love watching you enjoy real preschool for the first time. I love watching you love your teachers and soak in all they have to teach you. I love hearing you talk about all your friends at school, always talking about a different one each day. I love that at a young age, you are extremely inclusive, desiring to play with everyone, not just a few. I love that you love learning Bible verses. I love that at your first parent-teacher conference, the first phrase your teacher used to describe you was that you were always, "friendly and nice to all", a phrase that is far more important than knowing all your letters and numbers in my book.I love that your imagination is vast and creative. I love watching you play. I love playing princess with you. I love that your daddy is always your prince. I love watching you love on your daddy and vice versa, you two are so alike. I love that you are liberal with your "i love yous". I love that you don't see race. I love that that the words "Sri Lanka" and "Kenya" are in your vocabulary. I love that you describe your daddy's job as "helping people", simple and true. I love that your dad and I talk daily about how blessed we are to have you in our lives. I love that you are so extremely funny. I love that during this past year of ups and downs and twists and turns, you have remained constant, a sweet, enchanting constant, that I hold so dear.
I love that the Lord gave me you, and knew way before you were born what your personality would be like at four. I love that He knew that I needed your 4 year old self, more than you'll ever know. I love you, my precious 4 year old. Happy Birthday.
Beautiful Erin. This totally made me well up with tears (and it's not just the pregnancy hormones.) I love your girl and it is so much fun to watch her grow into such an "enchanting" young lady (truly the perfect word to describe Ryann.)
Happy Birthday Ryann Cate! Sending lots of love fro Arizona!
I'm crying. Beautiful letter to a beautiful girl (from a beautiful mom). We love you too, precious Ryann.
Ha. Me too. Blubbering at midnight.
Happy Birthday sweet girl! Web love Ryann and you so much!
Also teared up when I read this. Ryann is a beautiful young lady. I remember the night u told us you were pregnant. I didn't know what to think about it. I just knew it would change everything. Who knew our lives would be so ridiculously blessed with Ryann. She has made my life more joyful in every way. Best thing you and Mark have ever done and you are both raising her to be an amazing young woman.
Perfect. We love your sweet little family more than you could know.
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