Our dear friends, The Woods, came in for the weekend 2 weeks ago. They were our very first house guests and we LOVED having them here. I cannot tell you how much it meant to us to have people actually fly out to see us. We are so grateful for their friendship and so enjoyed showing them our new world.
Sadly, the weather did not cooperate and it rained or was gray almost the whole time, but at least it was an accurate portrayal of the weather here. When sunny and clear, Seattle really is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen. Sad they didn't get to witness that....oh well, that means that they have to come back:)We had a wonderful time, showing them Seattle, watching our kids play, watching our favorite show, and enjoying sweet friendship.
Upon their arrival, Ryann and I took them down to Pike's Place Market. I like to go there on Saturday because everyone and everything is just so crazy. This Saturday did not disappoint...there was a protest parade...good times
On Sunday, we went down to the Seattle Aquarium.We saw seals (my favorite PNW sight),Ryann got her face painted, and Barrett was in love with listening to whale sounds..A great time was had by all
After the aquarium, we went to the Olympic Sculpture Park to get some good pics of the city
Aww, Prince Barrett, such a good sport
Of course, the sun would come out right before they had to leave:( We made the most of it though, and went down to Edmonds beach, one of our favorite spots
We had so much fun - thank so much for being such great hosts and showing us such a good time!! We miss yall!! The time change had a great effect on Barrett, too - he's been sleeping in until 8:00 since we got back.
Erin, I'm surprised you glossed over the fact that while eating lunch on Saturday, Barrett ripped a piece of artwork off the wall and somehow you were left bloodied.
I do love that picture of Ryann and Barrett at the sculpture park. I actually have it up on my digital frame at work.
Also, is it just me, or does Barrett look like he's doing a G.W. Bush impression in the close-up picture of he, Angie and I?
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